Over-the-air Software Updates
Updating software over the air (OTA) offers the automotive industry new ways to maintain its products, provide new features to customers and respond to incidents. AQI has investigated the worldwide activities regarding OTA updates and considered legal requirements. From this, a holistic OTA target process was developed, which AQI has validated by simulating various use cases. This target process can be used by companies as a basis for optimizing their OTA processes.
Project Reports:
Software Updates Over-the-Air-Updates I
Software Updates Over-the-Air-Updates II
Download - Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA) (vdaqmc.de)

Integrated Management System
The requirements for management systems are constantly increasing due to growing demands for sustainable management, high innovation dynamics and new market participants to be integrated. The AQI systematically investigated requirements for management systems and their integration into a management system landscape. It has proposed to digitalize management system descriptions and to build a digital, intelligent platform for this purpose. This enables much greater transparency of management system dependencies, consolidation of requirements, searches and continuous discussions.
Risk Assessment Methods
Identifying and assessing risks to the health and life of road users is an important and legally required task for automotive companies. Currently, there is no globally accepted, standardized method for risk assessment. The AQI has systematically analyzed and compared the regional standards RAPEX (EU), NHTSA (USA), AQSIQ (China) and ACCC (Australia), thus providing the basis for making risk assessments transferable to markets with other standards.
Quality Management for Agile Software Development
The AQI has described the challenges in assuring the quality of agile-developed software and derived recommendations for companies in the automotive industry. In particular, industry-specific standards such as ISO 26262 for functional safety, Automotive SPICE or maturity assurance for new parts were evaluated and considered with regard to their compatibility with agile approaches. For maturity assurance, AQI has developed concrete proposals on how a new version of the VDA volume could meaningfully support agile development.
Project Reports:
Challenges for quality management in agile enviroment
Pocket Guide: Quality Management for Agile Software Development
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